lunes, 9 de febrero de 2009

the wedding

I am about to get married to someone. I call my parents and tell me to prepare me a wedding. I decided i did not want to get married to him, So i asked a guy whom i know that if he can do me the favor to get married with me, cause my parents already arranged the wedding, and i felt bad that all the money was going to be wasted. The guy agreed and so i was in the place were the ceremony was going to take place , waiting for my future husband. I thought to myself, do i really want to get married to a stranger? i saw the guy's sister and i told her that i needed to talk to her brother cause i was having second thoughts. She said that it was ok, but she looked kinda sad , i dont know why like something was going on. then i see a friend of the guy, who tells me that he's going thru a rought time. But still i wanted to talk to him.. i saw him from a far i was going to go over there but for some reason i didnt make one move..

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008


I was in a church, some how i felt like i belong there. They had children's ministry and i was waiting outside for the children ,But they didnt come out. There as a cross outside the church, and all of a sudden i hear screaming. Am pretty sure it came from a girl ,But i couldnt see anyone. Out of nowhere comes this vomit


I was driving in a motorcycle , and a guy out of nowhere stands next to me in a motorcycle as well, and ask me if i want to race. The guy's description was a white bald guy, with glasses, and kinda skinny. Ive never seen him before. But even though i felt frighten by him, i decided to go for the race. It felt great, the wind on my face, running fast as i can, and i was winning the race. Suddenly i lost the guy.. and my motorcycle wasnt there anymore. I see my mom's car passing by without a driver. I keep walking and then i see my mom and my brother talking, i ask them :"did you see the car?" And they said: "no, its not here we dont know were it is. "

lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Pope's house

I got invited for halloween to the pope's house. He had the house decorated with lots of dolls (scary ones). Every courner had a doll, and they were all different. They had different costums, diferent faces, different sizes. I got really scared because they all could walk and were scaring all the people that passed by them. I decided i was tired and i didnt want to be scared anymore, so i was pushing away the dolls and some of them got broken , and i left.

Elastic Lizzard

Suddenly, a man with an elastico lizard is out to get me. I dont know why, i just know i have the power to get out of it.. or at least to escape it. I cringed and i backed away. He gets a hold of me, i unwind and flee. I Realized i have the ability to jumb really high. I go from building to building escaping the man. I go to California to visit some friends. I go into their house, but the house was empty, so i leave. I remember i have to go to my job. So i jump back to Santo Domingo and i get as fast as i can to my workplace. I work in a cathedral in la zona colonial, which was turned into a haunted house and had gotten really popular. It was a sunday, and we hardly had any costumers except this really important people who always go on sunday and at the last minute before we close. So they get dissapointed and they said they werent coming back. I talked them out of it, by telling them that the next time they come , am going to allow the haunted house for themselves only. I wasnt sure if that could do that but i just wanted them to come back.

Casas Oscuras

Entro a una casa, esta totalmente oscura. Pareceria como si fuera mi casa, todo el mundo me recibe bien. Veo muchas personas que conosco amigos, conocidos , familiares y pregunto, "porque esta tan oscura la casa?". Me dicen no prenden las luces. Entro a una habitacion y trato de prender la luces, no prenden, en esta habitacion note que habian como 6 interruptores de luz. Sali de la habitacion, aunque hay oscuridad, resplandece una luz roja natural en toda la casa, o podria ser marron. Subo al segundo piso, a ver que pasa me dijeron que habia personas arriba. Miro y miro y veo pasar tal vez una sombra rapidamente.


Estaba de viaje con un grupo de la universidad fuimos a un pueblo extranio. Andabamos por la calle de noche, y de repente observamos un grupo de cristianos que salieron diciendo que Jesus estaba muerto, y que lo habian visto. Se paraban en las aceras de las casa gritando con carteles. Tenian todos tshirt azules celeste. Le dije a una mujer " Mentira no les creo". Ella me aseguraba que si que era cierto que ella misma lo vio con sus propios ojos. Decidi escaparme del bullicio y subi unas escaleras de un apartamento y una senora me tendio la mano, y me dijo " tienes que creer!" pareceria como que queria obligarme a creer lo que ellos decian que era la verdad. Cuando vi sus manos estaban heridas con callos y un zarpullido extranio. Temi que fuera contagioso.